We had plans. Big plans. Epic, Indonesian plans. Mother Nature decreed otherwise. Instead of spending Monday hanging out and catching up with N, we all spent the day snowed in. (Which worked out nicely for Danny who got an extra vacation day - woohoo!) In what the mayor and the news affiliates are debating was either the 5th or 6th worst snow storm in NYC history, the MTA shut down, as apparently did the department of sanitation, trapping us all in our apartments. (Never fear, restaurants were still delivering!)

The snow that began Sunday afternoon and ended by early Monday morning was not to be plowed in our 'hood until late Wednesday evening. (That made our hike to BAM for The Nutcracker quite an adventure on Tuesday. Poor K and E were definitely NOT expecting our streets to still look like the North Pole!) Fortunately, though the cars and plows were stymied, the subways began running again, so at least my plans to play tour guide to TJ weren't spoiled.
We met at Penn and did a whirlwind visit that was part-tourist, part-local, and all foodie. Our journey began with brunch at Clinton Street. (TJ went for the Spanish scramble with guac while I deviated slightly from the usual blueberry pancakes in favor of the chocolate chunk.) While we waited our turn we made quick stops into Economy Candy and Essex Market. Following our meal, we wandered up to Bryant Park, over to Grand Central, and on up to Rock Center. After a quick ooh and ahh at the tree from Mahopac, we explored St. Pat's. We strolled around Central Park enjoying the snowmen (some of whom appeared to be enjoying some libations!)

We ended the Manhattan segment at the WTC before heading to Brooklyn for pizza and egg creams. It was a slushy mess, but a ton of fun. We're planning another visit for the summer to hit museums, walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, and enjoy more parks, including the High Line.
And though my street was plowed, as of Thursday, my car was still firmly entrenched in two feet of solid ice, so I jumped on the LIRR, paying the atrociously inflated new rates and headed out to visit J. It was a shopping, friend, food, baby, and puppy-filled day.
A little snow was not about to stop me from enjoying the final days of 2010 - I just needed to dress for the occasion. This is the cat-ear hat one of our students made for me. If you think this picture is special, you should see me all decked out in this hat with my furry ear muffs and other Nanook gear. (In fact, I'm pretty sure Danny took a picture or 12 of me in such garb, but it was on his new Diana, so we have to get the 120 film developed before I can scan those in and thoroughly embarrass myself on the world wide web.)
Stay tuned for more fun photos - next Sunday is the 10th annual No Pants Subway Ride!
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