Now that summer is officially over and we are all back to school, this seems like a good time to commemorate the fun; because even with the big move and the new job, it wasn't all work...
During the great apartment hunt, we managed to sneak into some fun eateries, including the touristy, but delicious home of GIANT sandwiches and knishes - Katz's.
My dad worked on Father's Day, although we did manage to see him the week before. So we spent the actual holiday with Danny's dad...Spongebob helped us celebrate!
After settling into our new digs, we took in some free fun in NYC. This was our canoeing adventure in Bayswater.

And no summer is complete without a roadtrip and a reunion! Another joy of living in the city...the ease of hopping on the China-bus and riding down to Baltimore for the day. Jr., Jess, Steve, and I enjoyed the Inner Harbor, the aquarium, and Fell's Point. Cat's noticeable absence was rectified three weeks later when I visited her in Vancouver (see
previous post). Hopefully the next reunion will be here in NY!