Monday, April 13, 2009


I think I missed my calling. I should have been a food critic...imagine...traveling around the world to taste the best foods and then write about them. Seriously...missed my calling.

This trip home was a welcome return to some of the best, if not best for you, foods from my childhood. My friends and family made sure I put a significant dent in my previous blog list of goodies. It seems my foodiness is widely known since the first question my students asked was what I ate and how much weight I gained on this trip!  

I didn't get photos of everything, and you'll notice that many of the photos I did get are of partially eaten food. Apparently, I attack my meals with such gusto that I don't remember to take the photo until I've consumed half the meal!

In any case, enjoy the pictures, which are posted publicly on flickr.

burgers and cheese fries from Shake Shack in the UWS
Carvel Carvelanche - vanilla ice cream with cake crunch and hot fudge
burgers and dogs on the grill (thanks Uncle Richard and Farina!)
bagels (thanks Dan and Colleen!)
Sicilian pizza (thanks Dad!)
Mexican food (thanks Chris!)
Italian cheesecake, macaroons, rainbow cookies, cannolis from Rocco's on Bleeker
dirty water hot dog
meatball parm sub (thanks Clarissa!)
spaghetti carbonara (thanks Niki and Steve!)

(I realize as I type this list...I missed a lot...and I ate a lot!)

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