Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cinco de Mayo

One really cool part of teaching internationally is that we get to celebrate Bulgarian, American, and Canadian holidays.  Citizens of the world that we are, we couldn't neglect Cinco de Mayo, but none of us were going to be in town since it coincided with our St. George's Day vacation.  We decided to throw a pre-May 5 fiesta at Steve's place...any excuse for a party!

Adam                                              Alek

After we were done stuffing ourselves with awesome Mexican food and tropical beverages, the party really got started...

Climbing is SO much fun!

Adam                                               arm wrestling (and a little biting)

Rox and Steve                                 Cat


chili                                            jalapeno poppers, guac          

vats of sangria - we almost drank it all...there's still a little left in my fridge...
the door is always open!

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